Star Vault Has 5 Employees, Says Henrik At Web Hearing

Sweden’s Aktie Torget Exchange has posted a web hearing with Star Vault CEO Henrik Nystrom, of which you can find the full translated version below. For the sake of brevity, I have compiled some of the more important points.

If you didn’t catch Star Vault’s Q3 2011 finances, the company reported that they had reduced staff without offering an exact figure. In the first question of the hearing, Henrik directly addresses this topic:

5 people are employed by Star Vault, then we have a team that works in the form of project employment/freelance when there is a need for it.

As he has done before, Henrik discusses why the game has faced its population issues, particularly with regard to the experience new players have upon joining, that the existing community must be helpful to new players who seek assistance, otherwise they may not return.

When asked about how long he expects Mortal Online to survive, Henrik likened the game to MMOs that have survived for over a decade. He also notes that Star Vault expects Mortal Online to break even and start profiting in mid 2012. Publishing with LeKool to bring Mortal Online to China should result in some results this summer.

Star Vault’s long term goal is 50,000 subscribers, a goal Henrik sees as reasonable. The average demographic for Mortal Online is the 18-20 male crowd.

(Source: Aktie Torget Exchange)

Thanks to Slapshot1188 for the tip.

4 thoughts on “Star Vault Has 5 Employees, Says Henrik At Web Hearing”

  1. The comment about blaming the existing community for not being helpful is not what he said at all.

    I think you need to maybe read that again.

    Here is a google translation to the answer:

    “Henry: It is mainly three areas we have identified and placed great emphasis on: The main part of the new players are “aids” and information to a new player who has not been sufficient. New players often feel lost and do not know where he should begin. Many have taken the step on to our forum and ask our players or developers, and will then get a plan on how he wants to play Mortal Online, as it is a free game that does not keep new players in the hand or tell what to do. We have noted very clearly that the persons receiving this information often comes into the game and become a long standing customer. Without anyone caring for this new player, there is great risk that he will not enter the game and stop playing it. We have a lot to try new customers every day as we now know what we need to improve to retain significantly more new players.”

    He just suggesting that the new player experience is not that good currently and that it needs to be improved. He actually even stated that the players that do try to get information on the forums are helped and more likely to stay in the game long term.

  2. I think YOU need to re-read the post. What the post says is exactly right. You are answering something else…

    5 employees? Really? Henrik, Matts, Sebastian, Discord…. and one other?

    WTF? Yeah, don’t buy into the hype about the expansions. Their track record on delivering is horrible. Looks like investors are starting to wise up.

    Just look at the chart in the article. It’s worth 1000 words.

  3. The problem is not that noobies are having a hard time…it’s the fact that the game is down right boring even once you figure everything out.

    Not to mention you have to be a idiot savant. DF was to relaxed with the skill points, MO you got to have an alt to even learn how to take a shit.

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