[Video] Not Massive: Postal 4: No Regerts Trailer (Press Copy)

Update: It’s out right now.

Would you please sign my petition? It looks like Postal is finally back for a full sequel.

MMO Fallout was sent a link by a guy to a currently unlisted trailer for Postal 4: No Regerts. The trailer showcases some random scenes from the game, but includes some information on the plot:

Several years have passed since the events that devastated the once proud town remembered as Paradise. The only two to walk away from the cataclysm unscathed, the hapless everyman known as the Postal Dude and his loyal companion Champ, drive aimlessly through the scorching deserts of Arizona looking for a new place to call home. After a fortuitous gas station rest stop ends with their car, trailer home, and the rest of their worldly possessions stolen, all the Dude’s seemingly got left to his name is his canine cohort and his bathrobe, and neither of them smells all that great. However, on the horizon, the duo glimpses an unfamiliar and dazzling town that beckons to them. What untold prospects lie within? Fame? Fortune? Maybe a bidet or two? Edensin awaits.

POSTAL 4: No Regerts is a satirical and outrageous comedic open world first person shooter and the long-awaited true sequel to what’s been fondly dubbed as “The Worst Game Ever™”, POSTAL 2! (No third game is known to exist.)

Postal 4: No Regerts follows the satirical violence that has been a theme of the series for the past twenty years. The first Postal released in 1997 as a top down shooter that inspired a lawsuit from the United States Postal Service. Postal 2 launched in 2003 as a first person shooter on the Unreal 2 engine, and later spawned a multiplayer expansion as well as a full single player expansion (Apocalypse Weekend). Postal III was built by Russian developer Trashmaster Studios and it wasn’t good. The game has been disowned by Running With Scissors who actively encourage gamers to not buy the title. Postal 2 received a second expansion in 2015 in the form of Paradise Lost.

The trailer appears to be set to coincide with the release of Postal 4 in Early Access, which means that release should be right around the corner. The trailer was uploaded on October 8, but since MMO Fallout was not included in the mailing list we have no idea when anyone in the press actually received it. Video description currently leads to a nonexistent store page.