Overwatch 2 Does Bare Minimum For Community

Makes heroes free.

Some label Blizzard as lazy, however others of you might recognize the amount of work they put into actively degrading the Overwatch 2 experience. When it comes to customer-friendly monetization the best answer to locking new heroes behind a battle pass grind would probably be to not do it. Barring that, the second best answer would likely be to stop doing it if you already started.

Unable to go with the first option, Blizzard has chosen the second albeit after only a full year and a half of the community complaining about it. Aaron Keller announced in this week’s developer update that Blizzard will no longer be locking heroes behind a pay wall.

In addition players will be able to work toward specific mythic skins in the coming seasons, with those missed from prior seasons being made available to acquire via the mythic shop. Check it out.

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