Changyou Plays The Victim With Project Tank Lawsuit


It takes a certain kind of person to deny any wrongdoing when they are caught with their hand in the cookie jar, while their hand is still in the jar. But once you’re caught, you might as well try to save face and play the victim, right? With the lawsuit moving forward by over Project Tank stealing from World of Tanks, Changyou has posted the following on the Project Tank Facebook game client. The red text and quotation marks are their emphasis, not mine. LLP (developer & publisher of World of Tanks) has recently launched a series of underhand actions against Project Tank, including using their connections to shut down our facebook page (http:/, over PT’??s purported “??infringement”? of their intellectual property rights.

Continuously sabotaged by Wargaming, Project Tank and Gamebox have never intended to pose a threat or compete at any platform with World of Tanks. The graphics used in Project Tank are our efforts to reconstruct WWII battle scenes. We feel truly shocked and bullied by Wargaming, a giant company of the gaming industry who is apparently “threatened”? by a closed beta phase browser game aiming to provide a cheaper, fairer, and more accessible war game to players around the world.

As we are dealing with this issue with legal measures to protect this game, the PT closed beta has now come to an end. The open beta server will be open in approximately a month. Please go to the link below to leave your email address to receive your reward (for open beta server) and updates of Project Tank.