PSA: Only The Basic Bless Online Pack Is Eligible For Refund

Bless Online launches its head start into Early Access right now, and those of you interested in taking part can do so via one of three early access packs. Available for $40, for $70, and for $150, these early access packs grant various goodies for your in-game characters.

It should be noted, however, that of the three packs only one is refundable should you decide that the game is just not up to snuff within two hours of gameplay or two weeks of purchase, whichever comes first. The $70 and $150 packs are listed on Steam as not eligible for refund. It appears that this is linked to the founders packs constituting DLC, which Valve tends to be more restrictive of when it comes to refunds.

Those of you not too certain on your purchase may want to spring for the cheapest option, or simply wait it out as launch issues are dealt with. Launch issues with crashes and server overload may result in your game time going over the normal refundable period.

(Source: Steam)