Valve Hosted Malware…Again

Valve allows developers to upload viruses.

A very very very small portion of our readers, maybe one or two of you at most, will have received an email recently from Steam letting you know your computer may have been infected by a virus. Downloaded from Steam. Now normally you might assume this email to be fake, a very poor phishing job, but unfortunately it was completely real.

This actually isn’t the first time a developer has gotten malware onto Steam, but it seems to be the first time it was unintentional on the dev’s part. A small handful of devs were compromised and their games uploaded with malware back in August.

As a result Valve is implementing a new policy to require SMS verification before uploading new builds.

The new policy has received a mixed reaction from developers, some of whom live in countries where they don’t have access to SMS messaging phones. Whether Valve will revise the policy to deal with outlier situations is unknown.

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