MMOments From Taris Land: I’m Already Max Level

That’s level 20.

I am already max level on Taris Land and the game has barely started. By that of course I mean I am level 20 and the current max level is 20. Why is max level 20 right now? I don’t know, some plan they have with rolling out content.

Creating my character, I almost went with the bard because I’d like to lick the sweat off his washboard abs. But I decided instead to go with the reliable mage class. Don’t judge me.

I suppose the most impressive thing about Taris Land is that the game’s launch seems to be going pretty smooth. Mostly I expected to be hit with disconnections everywhere and crashes, and I did get a lot of disconnects at the character creator, but since then I have not been disconnected one single time. And I’m at max level.

Taris Land is pretty up and down so far on its visuals, sometimes looking pretty good (see above) while other times looking like they smeared Vaseline all over the textures. It’s very obvious they didn’t fine tune the PC controls much, they’re pretty jank and the mouse actually moves in the background meaning if you’re right-click moving the camera you’ll eventually hit the top or bottom.

There is only one dungeon available right now and I managed to clear both the normal and elite version on public queue and with my guild.

Taris Land is very confusing right now because so much of this crap is time-locked and not available. Your map has stuff related to fishing, but fishing ain’t in the game yet and you’ll be running around forever until you notice someone in chat mention it ain’t in yet. There’s just a bunch of stuff that won’t get unlocked until tomorrow at the earliest and some of it is better clarified than others.

I will admit I dropped 99 cents on the cheapest currency package to get the free mount (photographed above). I want to say good luck on them selling the battle pass. Personally I’m waiting to see how far I get into the game before I buy this thing because it’s $22 making it a good double the price of a Fortnite battle pass and questionably worth the price.

I’d like to note that this game has a dedicated currency that will be handed out as compensation for the devs screwing up server maintenance, so you know they have a lot of confidence in things going well.

I’d like to note for posterity that battlegrounds suck and everyone on my team is persistently a single-braincell moron who doesn’t bother playing the objective at all. Thank christ you only have to play two matches for the daily rewards.

Well I’ve done all I can for the day. See you soon.

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