Fractured Online Revamping PvP For Launch

Full planets? Nah.

Fractured Online is getting ready for launch. When? July 24, so set your calendars and call off work sick. The upcoming launch includes a new server running side-by-side with the current server, a revamped tutorial, and summons.

But more importantly, launch is going to see a dramatic change to how PvP works in Fractured Online. Currently an entire planet features non-consensual PvP. Starting at launch, PvP will be consensual on the bulk of both planets, with only specific static and dynamic zones with free-for-all PvP. This promises more rewarding gameplay where the current system had pretty much the same rewards/hour in either mode.

It also means players can learn all of the skills and explore both planets without getting ganked.

Check out the full news post and FAQ.

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