McCree Is Getting Nerfed In Overwatch’s Next Patch


It might be high noon somewhere, but McCree is about to see his anti-tank capabilities heavily reduced. In an interview with Eurogamer, Blizzard’s own Jeff Kaplan got in touch to discuss issues like server tick, competitive, matchmaking, and more. He also discusses two heroes about to get a once over thwack with the balance board.

As Kaplan explains in his response, McCree is supposed to be a counter to fast-moving characters like Tracer, Genji, and Reaper. His moves allow him to flashbang an enemy to stun them, then quickly ‘fan the hammer’ to unload his entire clip in a split second. Make no mistake, McCree’s counter works great as designed, too great. What the design team didn’t want was for McCree’s combo to be an instant win button against tanks.

So McCree’s fan the hammer move will have its damaged lessened, making it still lethal against small to mid tier enemies while being less lethal against tanks. In the hands of the right player, McCree will still be a threat against tanks, just not as much as he is now.

D.Va, on the other hand, is proving to be more of a difficult character to balance. Heroes in Overwatch are generally defined either by their damage output or survivability, and D.Va right now isn’t very good at either. As she stands right now, D.Va needs to be very close in order to pile on any damage, but has neither the maneuverability of an offense hero (say Tracer or Soldier: 76) or the survivability of a tank (Roadhog, Bastion) to survive those encounters.

As a result, the team is going to take longer than McCree to roll out D.Va’s balance. Current ideas revolve around buffing one of those two factors of damage output or survivability.

You can read the entire interview at Eurogamer.