EA/Bioware’s David Crooks: “The World Just Felt A Little Better” Over Death of TotalBiscuit

(Update: Casey Hudson, Bioware GM, has issued a statement of disappointment over Crooks’ Twitter tirade. It appears Crooks is not currently employed at Bioware.)


(Original Story)


In a series of now deleted Tweets, Electronic Arts programmer David Crooks had some rather blunt commentary regarding the death of game critic John Bain, better known by his handle TotalBiscuit. Bain passed away at the age of 33 this week after a struggle with bowel cancer, which did not stop Crooks from posting his thoughts just a few hours after the news broke that the “world just felt a little bit better.” Crooks went on a tirade concluding with “good riddance to bad rubbish.”

While David Crooks’ Twitter has since gone into protected mode and he has seemingly removed references to his employment at Bioware, he wasn’t fast enough to stop the Tweets from being permanently archived via the link below. Crooks list of work includes Mass Effect: Andromeda and Star Wars: Battlefront II. Neither Electronic Arts nor Bioware have commented on the controversy, and MMO Fallout has not reached out for comment.

(Source: Archive.is)