Nerf The Hammer: McCree/Widowmaker Downgraded In Today’s Patch


It was nice of Blizzard to provide us with this PR snapshot of McCree and Widowmaker side by side, because the two are the focal point of the first big balance patch for Overwatch. Launched on PC today and coming to consoles as part of a larger patch on a later date, players will either be crying foul or rubbing their hands in glee at the knowledge that two of Overwatch’s more problematic characters have been chained back a bit.

McCree’s balance brings his pistol damage from 70 to 45, while reducing the wait before he reloads by more than half (.75 seconds to .3 seconds).

McCree was performing too well against all targets, making him feel like a must-pick in many situations. By reducing the damage of his alternate fire, McCree is now significantly weaker against tanks like Roadhog and Reinhardt, but still maintains his lethality against smaller targets like Tracer and Genji.

Widowmaker, on the other hand, has been equally buffed/debuffed in various areas. While the base damage of her scoped shot has been reduced by a fifth (15 to 12), the damage multiplier on headshots has been boosted from 2x to 2.5x. Additionally, players must now wait for the unscoping animation to finish before scoping again. Finally, her ultimate now costs 10% more.

In the right hands, Widowmaker can often feel unstoppable—even when just landing body shots instead of critical heads shots. The changes to her alternate fire weaken body shot damage while leaving her headshot damage unchanged. Additionally, we felt her Ultimate ability, Infra-Sight, was coming up a little too frequently, especially considering its impact on the game.

In short: McCree can’t take down tanks as easily and Widowmaker can no longer one-shot even characters like Tracer with a hit to the body, preventing her from dominating the battlefield as she was before. Also on the block for a balance is D.Va, although she will be made more powerful. Unlike McCree or Widowmaker, D.Va’s balancing patch is going to take a bit more time to iron out the specifics.

(Source: Blizzard)