Mobility Wrapup: 12/10 Edition

This is a new thing.

Rather than slam the front page with mobile game news every day, I decided to test out putting everything in a daily wrap up. I think everyone wins here including the people who don’t get overloaded subscribing to my RSS feed and the publishers I won’t be completely ignoring emails from.

Marvel Contest of Champions

This week’s Contest of Champions news celebrates six years since the launch of Marvel Contest of Champions. Kabam is running a Champions are Forever trailer for December 11 as well as the following six year celebration trailer showcasing statistics and featuring some of CoC’s celebrity/influencer collaborations.

Lineage 2: Revolution

Lineage 2 Revolution is receiving a big update introducing dual main profession. Players can specialize and grow a new profession alongside their main including alchemy, smithing, gem crafting, and enchanting. Expert players can also look forward to mount equipment as each mount now has exclusive equipment.