Snail Games Prevails In Lawsuit

Been a long time coming.

Snail Games has prevailed in its lawsuit against Myth of Empires developer Angela Game. How do I know this? The proof is in the receipts. Snail Games and Angela Game have been fighting it out in court over the last couple of years over whether or not Myth of Empires stole code from ARK: Survival Evolved. Spoiler; it did.

Rather than shut the game and the company down however, the two parties have reached an agreement where Snail Games will be assisting with distributing the title on PC and possibly other platforms in the future.

Angela Game president Yi Ling Zhang stated; “Angela regrets any difficulties it caused Snail and look forward to moving into this business partnership. At the same time we hope that, with Snail’s extensive user resources and excellent platform relationships built on Ark, they can assist us in our future publishing efforts, injecting greater market vitality into Myth of Empires.”

Good news for Myth of Empires players. The game is apparently going off sale for a while to get this new deal sorted out. More as it develops.

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