Steam Update: Valve Bans Suspicious $200 Games

Taking out the laundry.

Earlier this year I started writing about a strange enigma I had discovered on Steam; a whole library of games on sale for hundreds of dollars that seemingly had no audience, no players, and despite their prices either looked like or clearly were premade mobile/unity games being sold for a ridiculous sum.

I formed a conclusion at the time and still believe that these games are being used in money laundering schemes through the Steam store and it looks like someone at Valve got the same idea or saw my post because several of those titles are gone as of today.

To recap the list:

The ban list also includes VR Garbage Classification Puzzle which I had overlooked as a possible training game and sold for $100 and RisingUpUp which launched on January 30, more than a week after my piece was published and sold for $200.

There are still a number of suspicious titles on Steam, some of which launched after our last story was published in January. They are as below: