Jagex Begins Selling Extra Bank Spaces In Cash Shop

File this one under undermining your own values. A good long time ago I reported that Jagex was considering adding an authenticator-style security dongle to RuneScape, an idea that was scrapped after community backlash over a very simple perk. In order to encourage people to buy the dongle, Jagex wanted to offer a small expansion in bank space. Ultimately, of course, the reason Jagex gave for the withdrawal was that the company considered selling bank space as an unfair advantage, and that doing so would violate the company’s policy of not selling in-game advantages for cash.

Welcome to 2012, Jagex. In today’s update, players are now able to buy bank space. Not just a small amount of bank space, up to 250 extra spaces. Nonmembers will be able to expand their bank up to 4.2 (over the current 78) times its current limit, and allow members to increase their bank space by around 50% (over the current 468). Each expansion costs approximately $8 and offers 50 extra bank spaces, the whole group will cost around $40.

So did Jagex lie about the Bank of RuneScape image being fake, or was the appearance of the image last week just a really well timed coincidence?

(Source: RuneScape)

Final Fantasy XIV Back On Shelves in WalMart

Dot com.

Back in November, I reported that Target and WalMart had pulled Final Fantasy XIV from store shelves, opting instead to only sell the game on their respective websites. I didn’t want to get into too much speculation at the time, as regular gaming stores (Best Buy, Gamestop, etc) were still stocking the title. Over the following month, I received a few reports from players who spotted the title on their store shelves, but couldn’t make a concrete statement without confirmation from either store’s corporate overlords (if the website reports that the item is not sold in stores, then the item is not sold in stores.).

Luckily, WalMart is reporting that Final Fantasy XIV is back on store shelves. Still no word from Target, who placed the item on sale back in November and subsequently removed the game from shelves, currently only selling the game online.

I have had a few unconfirmed reports that Game over in the UK is pulling Final Fantasy XIV off of shelves, possibly for a planned reboot in 2011 including the magical life-saving patches Square Enix has planned for the game in the coming months. More on Final Fantasy XIV as it appears.