Vaporware Thursday: Remember Age of Wushu 2?

Games that definitely got cancelled at one point.

Age of Wushu falls into the realm of “what could have been” in the long list of MMOs from Asia that had promise but were destroyed thanks to the incompetence and unfettered greed of their developer/publisher. While the current Age of Wushu languishes with a barely functioning website and a server so full of bots and cheaters that there’s no room for legitimate players, Age of Wushu 2 has always been just over the horizon. Kinda like Lineage Eternal.

Age of Wushu 2 was dreamt up to be a hybrid of Age of Wushu and Ark of all things. Developed on Unreal Engine 4, Age of Wushu 2 aimed to be a survival sandbox game. Snail Games advertised that player goals incorporated creating tools, living spaces, and eventually building their own schools to “become a legend.” How any of that would have worked out, we will never know.

How far was Age of Wushu 2 into development? The closed beta signups went up in 2017. It was supposed to launch in 2018. Presumably sometime between that first date and the second one Snail Games realized their coffers were empty on account of even back then they barely produced anything.

Four years of silence later and as much as Snail Games doesn’t want to admit it, this game is dead.