Steam Scams: Developer Shrekifies Game

Shrek is love, Shrek is life.

Update: The developer has, as expected, been terminated from Steam.

Original Story: Shrek is like a beloved deity to the Internet Memesters Union, so it should come as no surprise that a developer would deck their store with some Shrek-themed dreck. Eventually. The game I’m talking about is Scram, or as it’s better known now; Shrek 5: What The Heck, Here’s Another Shrek. A completely honest subtitle for what a Shrek 5 would be.

You can’t buy Shrek 5 anymore and it looks like the developer completely ripped out the game and replaced it with a video from Shrek. Users on the forums are noting that their inventories have been wiped, removing the items they paid for. For a look at what Scram was, check out the web cache on Google.

Hopefully Valve can offer some kind of compensation to the people who lost money on this. I’m not expecting anything.