Fractured Online Hacked, Cities Deleted

Logins suspended for now.

Fractured Online has been hacked by a hacker of some sort and the results are being described as less than delicious.

Specifically someone got hold of CEO Jacopo Pietro Gallelli’s account somehow and started doing evil things like deleting all the player cities. Actually that seems to be it. The bad news is that all the player cities have been deleted. The good news is that the game’s code/servers probably haven’t been compromised in a “has my data been stolen” way.

The gooder news is that the admins are trying to restore the cities by using backup data. The bad news is that probably means don’t expect everything to be 1:1 where it was before the hack.

As noted on Discord:

Hi @everyone, we have just been the victims of a serious attack. A hacker managed to log into an admin account – my account, specifically – and used it to delete all player cities. This wasn’t done by compromising my PC and stealing my data, but via a backend hack.

We have no idea what could drive a person to do something like this, but it happened. Cities will be restored partially by taking data from a previous save, partially by had by Game Masters.

Logins are suspended now. We will keep you updated on the progress of the investigation.

Servers are down for the time being while this is cleaned up. Stay tuned for more details.

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