Diaries From Rebirth Fantasy: It’s Dead, Jim

Dead as a corpse made of death.

I was originally planning on diving into Fantasy Rebirth and talking about how the game is and it is…dead. It’s completely dead. Thankfully the game doesn’t cost anything as it is free to play on Steam, but that doesn’t change the fact that the game is dead.

Kaput. Stone cold. Put out to pasture. Pushing up daisies. Feeding the worms. I downloaded the game and booted it up to find that the servers are dead. According to the Discord the game is dead. A quick look at the official website finds it is dead.

Head to the Discord and the game is dead.

We are sorry to inform everyone that Rebirth Fantasy will be temporarily shutting down, we apologize for not informing about this early since our server host provider suddenly decided to close the server host since we are not able to gather enough funds to pay for it. We will refund those who purchase diamond for the last 7 days.
We still lack skills and experience to host a ORPG which is the reason why we are not able to build a big community, we will first develop our skills before we can continue Rebirth Fantasy, we are thankful for those who supported us for this past years and giving us motivation and we apologize for not being able to properly give you guys a good game experience