Strauss Zelnick’s “No Layoffs” Lie Lasted Two Months

Two months.

Back in February during their third quarter investor call Take Two CEO Strauss Zelnick told Variety magazine “We have no current plans for layoffs.” The company hasn’t had enough time to publish its next quarterly report before Zelnick said sike and announced company-wide layoffs.

In the manner of about two months, Take Two went from “no current plans for layoffs” to laying off 600 employees. About 5% of the workforce is being cut alongside an unknown number of projects being cancelled and offices being condensed.

The move is expected to save around $165 million annually with some of that presumably going to pay the $460 million bill that Take Two just served up by purchasing Gearbox Entertainment.

Take Two’s stock has dropped 8% in value since the beginning of 2024.

One thought on “Strauss Zelnick’s “No Layoffs” Lie Lasted Two Months”

  1. Hah. No surprise there, all those corp rats are like politicians, being a good liar is basically a job requirement.

    So, anything they say publicly should always be taken with a grain of salt, since it’s most likely a lie.

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