Steam: Ali Mansoor Steals Far Cry 2 Art For Shovelware


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Mobility: Stellaris: Galaxy Command Stole Halo Assets

Stellaris: Galaxy Command is a mobile title outsourced to Chinese developers, so if you were expecting quality or not ripping off other IPs you’re in for a disappointment. Galaxy Command was ripped offline before the reviews hit double digits because as it turns out the game just flat out stole art from Halo 4 (as seen above).

An apology was released to Twitter and the game has been taken offline to sweep the content for further stolen art. Barely five hours after launch, which might be a new record for Chinese mobile games.

Steam Dev: Torrent My Game Instead Of Using G2A

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Action Henk would rather you pirate their games than support shady resellers like G2A, one of the game’s two programmers posted on Reddit following last week’s controversial statements over the key reseller. Consistently the ire of developers, G2A came to attention once again last week after allegations surfaced that the service sold $450 thousand in stolen keys from developer Tiny Build.

This G2a thing goes beyond Hearthstone. I’m a game developer with a game on steam and please just torrent my game instead of supporting shady resellers, I’ll even give you the download link. I understand people aren’t always able or willing to pay full price for a game, but seeing people play my game is the most important thing to me. Just torrent it instead of putting money in the wrong hands.

G2A is a grey market key reseller that allows users to sell cd keys to games that they no longer want. Theoretically, the service exists as a digital Ebay of sorts, especially relevant since Ebay forbids the sale of virtual items. In practice, the service has become a haven for criminals using stolen credit cards to buy keys in massive quantities to sell cheap. The cards are eventually reversed, leaving the developer with nothing and the thief with all of the profits.

It has been difficult to divorce G2A from the gaming community since the company has played its hand by sponsoring many of the top game streamers, and paying quite well apparently.

Developers have attempted in the past to find a way to push customers away from G2A, with larger developers spending the resources to revoke fraudulent keys. For smaller developers like Tiny Build, such a process is prohibitively expensive.

(Source: Reddit)