Final Fantasy XI Gets New May Update

It’s an update.

Continue reading “Final Fantasy XI Gets New May Update”

Final Fantasy XI Update Brings New Story Series

The Voracious Resurgence.

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Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV Cross Over


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Final Fantasy XI Shutting Down On PS2/360


Square Enix’s Thursday Livestream has come and gone, and the announcements were not all great. Square unveiled the Vana’Diel Project, a three part strategy to continue support for the aging MMO. The first part, unfortunately, involves ending content updates. Following a three chapter scenario aimed for launch in May, August, and November, Final Fantasy XI will cease to receive content updates.

FINAL FANTASY XI’s major version updates will conclude with the implementation of the final chapter of Rhapsodies of Vana’diel, but there will continue to be minor version updates that address bugs and contain various balance adjustments.

Playstation 2 and Xbox 360 users will be sad to hear that services for those platforms will end in March 2016. Final Fantasy XI will be ported to be playable on mobile devices, alongside the launch of a mobile RPG in 2016.

(Source: FFXI)

Thursday Livestream Will Discuss Final Fantasy XI’s Future


Square Enix will be holding a livestream this Thursday to discuss the future of Final Fantasy XI. Considering that this is a Japanese livestream, however, you’ll need to be up pretty early (3am EST) and probably understand Japanese. For the rest of you who need your beauty sleep, the dedicated community will no doubt have the important notes available in your preferred language by the time you wake up.

Speculation is already rampant on what this announcement could be, from buy to play to losing legacy support, sunsetting, and a new expansion.

(Source: MassivelyOP)

MMOrning Shots: To Battle!

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For today’s MMOrning Shots, we continue our trek down nostalgia road with some very old screenshots of Final Fantasy XI. These shots are from 2002, I believe the Playstaton 2 version but don’t quote me on that.

Steam Summer Sales Assault The Wallet

It’s sale time, so get out your wallet and replace the next month’s meals with Ramen because this year is looking fantastic. Right now there aren’t many deals in the MMO realm to speak of, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get in the fun! Check out the current sales below. Remember, as always, prices are in USD and may vary by region. MMO Fallout does not guarantee that items are not region locked, so please read carefully before making your purchase.

Is FFXI Going To Start Phasing Out The PS2? No Expansion Outside Japan

The recent announcement of a new boxed expansions for Final Fantasy XI brought a swell of joy from the aging MMO’s community. Except for the Playstation 2 community, because earlier today Square Enix clarified on the announcement to point out that Seekers of Adoulin will not be releasing on the Playstation 2 outside of Japan, hence the ominous absence of the PS2 on the trailer we posted.

Is Square Enix greasing the wheels to start phasing out support for the Playstation 2? It is absolutely possible, as Sony Online Entertainment did with Everquest Online Adventures earlier this year. It is absolutely possible, considering the ripe old age of the Playstation. The full statement is below:

“I’d like to take a moment to clarify which platform Seekers of Adoulin will be available on for those that have been asking. We will continue to support North American FINAL FANTASY XI players on the PlayStation 2, Xbox 360 and PC (Windows) platforms. However, FINAL FANTASY XI: Seekers of Adoulin will only be available on the Xbox 360 and Windows platforms in North America when it is released in 2013.”

FFXI Still Expanding, Seekers of Adoulin

Final Fantasy XI is ten years old this year, and remains one of the few MMOs on the market that can maintain a subscription and still sell expansion packs every few years. Announced at Square Enix’s Vanafest, FFXI’s fifth expansion, Seekers of Adoulin, launches in 2013. With it, the expansion brings two new jobs (only one of which has been revealed), as well as new lands to explore.

Oddly enough, the trailer above and the promotional website (linked below) only mention the expansion coming to Xbox360 and PC, with no mention of the Playstation 2. According to a few FFX-related websites, this likely means that Seekers of Adoulin will be download-only on the PS2.

(Source: Seekers of Adoulin)